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Our wide range of plastic raw materials consist of:


Polyethylene (PE)

Polyethylene (PE) is available in a range of flexibilities, depending on the production process; Itt may be alternated into: High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), and Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE).

Polypropylene (PP)

Polypropylene (PP) is a versatile polymer used in applications from fibres, films and applications to automobile bumpers. PP continues to displace other materials such as fibreglass, mineral reinforced thermoplastics and metals in a variety of applications.

Polypropylene is sold commercially as homopolymers, random copolymers or impact resistance copolymers. Physical properties range from high strength and stiffness, to a flexible polymer with lower strength but greater toughness.

Polystyrene (PS)

Polystyrene (PS) is one of the most popular commodity amorphous thermoplastic resins and is divided into semi- crystalline (general purpose) polystyrene (GPPS), rubber modified medium and high impact polystyrene (MIPS and HIPS), as well as expandable polystyrene (EPS).
Polyethylene Terephthalate

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is widely used in synthetic fibers, thermorforming, injection moulding, blow moulding, industrial and film packaging.

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